Tailored Treatment Plan


Make sure you and your staff first review the Offer Mindset, Offer Strategy, & Pricing Mindset & Strategy articles to get the best results building packages.

The Tailored Treatment Plan (TTP) is a powerful tool to build packages and them customize them to the individual needs of a client.

How To Access Your Tailored Treatment Plan

  1. Click the “Treatment Plan” link under “Your Resources” in your software sidebar.

  2. The link to your TTP is also in your Collab Doc under the “Your Resources” section.

  3. If you want a fresh template, you duplicate the TTP template HERE.

    • Click “File” → “Make a copy” to make a copy for your own use

Tailored Treatment Plan Tutorials

Coming soon!

Treatments VS. Add-Ons VS. Bonuses

TREATMENTS are the core procedures you include in the package to create the majority of results.

ADD-ONS are designed to get better results while making you more money. They should be added based on client needs. For example, if the client has pigmentation on their chest, adding the neck and decollate makes sense as an add-on.

Unlike bonuses, clients pay for add-ons and so they increase the total price of the package.

BONUSES are FREE and are best used an incentives to get people to sign up for the package TODAY.

For example, if you're selling a skin treatment package, we recommend offering free skin care as a bonus if they get started today.

How To Close Packages Using The Tailored Treatment Plan

Visit our Closing & Checkout Process article for instructions on how to close packages using the Tailored Treatment Plan!