Closing & Checkout Process


NOTE: Make sure you and your staff review the Sales Mindset & Sales Strategy articles to get the best results closing packages.

Closing Process

The closing process starts when you have finished with the consultation script & presentation.

By this point you should have established 2 things:

  1. The client has a problem they want solved now.

  2. You are confident you can solve the problem with what you have available.

At this stage you are ready to begin the closing process:

Step 1: Recommend The Option For Best Results

During the consultation, you will discover what the client needs to solve their problem.

  • Maybe they need a series of 3 IPL for their pigmentation.

  • Maybe they need 40 units of tox and a few syringes of filler.

  • Maybe they need skin care.

  • Maybe they need all the above.

Whatever is required is what you will recommend, no-matter the cost.

Don't Prejudge

It's easy fall into the trap of assuming people can't pay based on their experience and behaviour.

The blue-collar school bus driver may very well have a wad of $2000 cash in her pocket ready to spend. You never know!

Strive to give everyone an equal chance to buy.

The Tailored Treatment Plan

The Tailored Treatment Plan (TTP) is a powerful tool to build packages and then customize them to the individual needs of a client. This is the best way to recommend packages.

Access this tool by clicking the “Treatment Plan” link under “Your Resources” in your software sidebar.

🎁 Full instructions for building packages using the Tailored Treatment Plan can be found in How To Build Packages article. (Make sure to open in a new tab).

Step 2: Recommend Add-Ons To Get Better Results

Add-ons are added to treatment packages to get better results for clients while making you more money. Unlike bonuses, clients pay for add-ons and so they increase the total price of the package.

Below are examples of add-ons that can be added to a skin treatment package using the Tailored Treatment Plan.

Step 3: Offer A Bonus If They Get Started Today

Bonuses are FREE and are best used an incentives to get people to sign up for the package.

For example, if you're selling a skin treatment package, we recommend offering free skin care as a bonus if they get started today.

The more expensive the package, the more bonuses the client should get.

Step 4: Down Sell According To Objection

If the client agrees to buy the full package today great. If they don't, that's no problem as well. They still have a problem that you can solve. Therefore, all you have to do it find the best structure for them to move forward.

Follow the down sell sequence below until you reach agreement with the client.

Client Doesn’t Have The Funds

  1. Offer 2-pay option. If no:

  2. Offer financing. If no:

  3. Subtract treatments from the package until you reach agreement. If no:

  4. Offer skincare only. Book follow-up and refund skincare purchase if they buy a package during follow-up. If no:

  5. Offer to book a follow-up visit. If no:

  6. Offer to book a follow-up call.

Client Can’t Make Decision Today/Needs To Talk To Partner, etc.

  1. Offer skincare only. Book follow up and refund skincare purchase if they buy a package during follow up. The skin care acts as a deposit while getting them started with something small. If no:

  2. Offer a $100 deposit to lock-in the savings for their package. Use this option if they don't want skincare.

  3. Offer to book follow-up visit. If no:

  4. Offer to book follow-up call. If no:

Checkout Process

Step 1: Run Payment Through

Bring them to the front desk to run the payment. If they’re purchasing skincare products, you can bag up the product in the waiting room which can pique the curiosity of any other patients.

Step 2: Book Next Appointment(s)

At the very least, you should ALWAYS ensure the patient has a future appointment on the books with an incentive to attend that appointment.

PRO TIP: For injectables clients, we recommend offering the patient a free skin treatment if they book their follow-up that day. If they cancel or reschedule their follow-up, they lose access to the free treatment. This is a very powerful incentive to ensure patients return for their injectables follow-up.

Step 3: Send Patient Home With Treatment Plan

You can print out the Tailored Treatment Plan and send them home with it. Instructions for printing off the Tailored Treatment Plan HERE.

Step 4: Mark The Outcome of the Appointment in the Software

How To Update An Opportunity:

  1. Select “Track leads” at the software sidebar.

  2. Drag & drop the contact card to the " Showed (add sale value)" stage.

  3. Click on the contact card to update opportunity status & value. Change status to "Won" if purchased, "Lost" if not purchased, and then enter the total value of the sale under "Opportunity Value".

Injectable Closing Strategies

Get People To Show For Injectables Follow-ups

Offer a free treatment to incentivize clients to show up for injectable follow-ups.

Implement the following conditions to prevent tire kickers from wasting your time:

Condition 1: The free treatment should only be offered if they book their second appointment THAT SAME DAY while they’re in the clinic.

Condition 2: The client can only reschedule their second appointment ONCE. If they need to reschedule more than once, their free treatment will be lost.

Cross-Selling Between Injectables & Skincare

Have one of your aestheticians step in during injectables prep. This is a perfect opportunity to discover their skin needs and book a skincare consultation. You can also have your injector introduce themselves before/during/after a skincare treatment to expose the patient to injectable treatments.

Visit the Injectable Sales Masterclass training for further instructions on this.