Consultation Process


NOTE: Make sure you and your staff review the Sales Mindset & Sales Strategy articles to get the best results with your consultations.

Consultation Process

Step 1: Discovery

Effective consultations always start with a discovery process.

To close the sale, you must first discover 3 things:

  1. What problem(s) the client wants to solve.

  2. Why they want to solve them.

  3. What attempts they have made to solve the problem in the past.

Once you know these 3 things, you are in a position present your solution as the next logical step for them.

Discovery Script

Use the script below to aid in the discovery process. This is a question-based script and is not meant to be repeated word-for-word.

Notes on script:

  • Use answers from the Pre-Assessment Survey as prompts for your questions.

  • Do NOT offer immediate solutions to concerns. Remember: prescription without complete diagnosis is malpractice!

  • The DEEPER you can go the better. Follow your curiosity to discover the REAL reason why they are there. The best salespeople get prospects to open up by being genuinely curious and sincere.

  • Repeat the questions below until you have covered ALL concerns

  • You can use a mirror to help the patient point out their concerns. For best results, project the patient’s before photo onto a high-resolution TV.

>> Ask the following questions to start:

“What brought you in today?”

“Based on your survey it looks like you’re concerned about [concern #1]. Could you tell me more about that?”

“How long has this been a problem?”

“What have you done before to try and fix this?”

“Do you have any events coming up?”

>> REPEAT above until you’ve covered all concerns on the survey.

>> Then ask:

“Ok so looks like you’re main concern is [main concern], but you also want to fix [other concerns]. Is there anything else that’s bothering you or is that it?

>> If more concerns, continue repeating the loop until you have covered everything

>> If no more concerns say:

“PERFECT, we actually have some really cool treatments that can help, mind if I share?”

Step 2: Consultation Presentation

This is where you will utilize our Consultation Presentation to educate the client on treatment options while showing PROOF the treatments work.

Click here to watch the presentation walkthrough video.

📋 Click here to access the presentation template. (Once opened, click “File” → “Make a copy” to make a copy for you own use.)

Presentation Notes:

  • The most powerful part of the presentation is connecting the prospects concerns case studies who have has the same concerns RESOLVED with your treatments.

    • If you don’t have any case studies or B&A photos, use supplier photos to start. Work on adding in as many B&A photos & case studies as possible.

  • DO NOT get too technical during the presentation. Keep things simple and use analogies whenever possible.

  • Your presentation doesn’t have to be perfect right off the bat. Start with a basic version and then add B&A photos + case studies as you collect them.

Presentation Process:

Step 1: Education

Using the presentation, you should educate the client on 3 basic things:

  1. The 3D’s of Aging

    Deterioration, Deflation, Descent. This is a simple framework to describe how the skin ages. You can then relate your treatment back to how they tackle the “3D’s”.

  2. Skin Anatomy

    This will help you explain how treatments penetrate different layers of the skin.

  3. Combination Therapy

    This is a great way to differentiate yourself as a provider. Explain how the secret to your results is not the treatments themselves, but how you artfully combine them together to great results others can’t.

Step 2: Show & Tell

This is THE MOST POWERFUL part of the presentation. This is where the “selling” happens.

This is where you build the value of your services while creating massive belief in the prospect.

  • Connect each of their concerns back to your results for that specific concern

    Demonstrates that you’ve already solved their problem before and you can do it again.

  • Show combination therapy results.

    This stretches what they believe is possible for themselves.

  • Show your own B&A photos.

    Show that you drink your own Kool-Aid. You walk the talk. This creates massive trust.

Step 3: Temp Check & Timeline Tie Down

This step is all about properly setting yourself up to ask for the sale.

As a result, you will be able to get COMMITMENT without coming across as “pushy”.

Skip this part you will get a lot of clients who need to “think about it”.

Temp Check & Tie Down Script:

>> When your finished with the presentation, say:

“So what do you think so far, does this all make sense?”

>> If they seem hesitant, loop back and explain away their concerns to get their enthusiasm to an 8-10

>> If they seem excited, ask:

“Assuming we can come up with a plan that fits your timeline and budget, when would you want to get started with treatment?/when do you want these issues fixed?”

>> You can also ask the question below. It’s a bit more aggressive but it great at getting commitment. Asking this question will depend on your sales style.

“Assuming we can come up with a plan that fits your budget and timeline, would there be any reason NOT to get started today?”

>> If they DON’T want to get started today, say:

Perfect, I can share some treatment options and we’ll book a follow-up visit to get you started later. I can also give you a bonus if you get started during that follow-up visit.

>> If they DO want to get started today say:

That’s perfect because we actually have some really good offers if you want to get started with us today, is it ok if I show you them?

Recommendation & Closing Process

You are ready to recommend a solution when you have established 2 things:

  1. The client has a problem they want solved now.

  2. You are confident you can solve the problem with what you have available.

>> Advance to Closing & Checkout Process article for the step-by-step on how to recommend and close packages!