Bonus Creation Cheatsheet


Adding bonuses to your offers accomplished 3 things:

  1. They add dimension to your offers and make them more unique. See our Offer Mindset article for more info on this. (Make sure to open in a new tab.)

  2. They make your offers more valuable without having to discount. This makes it easier for people to say "YES" without deeply discounting your services and losing precious margin.

  3. They introduce people to other services. AKA "cross selling". If you give away a mini-facial as a bonus, that's an opportunity for your aesthetician to gain a new client.

Best bonuses to offer:

The best bonuses have high perceived value (people actually want them), and have low fulfillment costs (quick and cheap to deliver).

Below is a ranked list of the best bonuses to offer:

  1. Collagen Kit (combine 2 or more product-based samples into a bag ie: skin care sample + a take-home mask)

  2. B12 Shot

  3. Serum or Product. Works best when you include its effect. For example: "Firming Serum", "Hydrating Renewal Serum"

  4. Rejuvenating Mask (include exact type for best results)

  5. LED Therapy

  6. $50 Gift Card

  7. Skin Tightening Treatment (limited to a small region problem region, such as under eyes, neck)

  8. Facial, Dermaplaning, Peel

Further learning:

To learn more about bonuses, we recommend watching Alex Hormozi's 17 minute video on bonus creation!