Hot Lead & Appt Booking Workflow


Follow this workflow whenever you get a hot lead!

1. Review the conversation.

Click the "Conversations" tab in your software sidebar.

2. Dial the lead.

You can make the call from your office phone, or directly from the software. Always dial again if the prospect doesn’t pick up the first time. This increases pickup rates.

3. If still no answer, text the lead.

We recommend sending the “Initiate Booking” template.

4. Engage with lead or move to “✨AI Followup”

When you get a response from the lead, the best thing to do is give them a phone call while they are already engaging with you.

You can also text back and forth with them until you find an appointment time that works for them.

>> If the lead goes cold on you and stops responding, you can move them into the “✨AI Followup” column and our AI concierge will work to re-engage the lead.

How to move to “✨AI Followup” pipeline stage via Conversations tab:

How to move “✨AI Followup” pipeline stage via Track Leads tab:

4. Collect a credit card deposit before booking the appointment.

Follow this tutorial (make sure to open in a new tab).

5. Book the appointment.

Book the appointment in your EMR, send the lead the “Appointment Booked” confirmation template (or use your own) to confirm appointment, and then move the lead to “📅 Appt Booked” column in the Sales Pipeline.