Referral Rocket Overview šŸš€


How To Add 46 Hyper-Qualified Clients Per Month Without Spending Any Money On Ads

The above screenshot shows how one of our clients booked 138 new patients in only 3 months using the Referral Rocket system.

Thatā€™s 46 new patients per month. 12 per week. 2.5 per day.

All without launching a single META ad.

Why You Need A Referral System

Referrals Are THE Best Source Of New Clients.

This is because referrals are the most qualified and easiest to sell.

They already trust you because they trust their friend who referred them.

They show up to their appointment, pay full price, and donā€™t complain.

But Thereā€™s One Big Problemā€¦

For most med spas, referred clients are few and far between.

They arenā€™t consistent. This makes it hard to experience significant growth through referrals.

>> This is exactly why we created the Referral Rocket System.

The Referral Rocket System Gives You Complete Control Of How Many Referrals You Would Like To Generate

This is done through a complete system that is integrated right into Forever Booked.

With this system, you can generate 30 or more qualified referrals per month.

Itā€™s also super fun for staff when they have a chain of referrals coming in like Dana below!

How Implement The Referral Rocket System

šŸ¤ Click here to advance to the Referral System user guide. This guide will give you everything you need to get started with the Referral Rocket system. Go get em. šŸ’Ŗ

Referal System Launch Call

Watch the call below to gain an even better understanding of the Referral Rocket system and why you need to implement it in your clinic.