3 Mindsets


🧘‍♀️ Here are the 3 mindsets to maximize your success with this program:

Mindset #1: You don’t have time not to

People who say “I don’t have time for this”, end up paying the tab later…

→ People who don’t invest in their health will spend that time later in a hospital bed.

→ People who don’t take care of their skin have to spend more money on treatment.

→ People who “don’t have time” for 10 minutes of morning meditation will waste that 10 minutes on social media.

→ People who neglect marketing now will need to fix a broken business later.

This is why you need to make time for this program.

  1. You know you need to grow your business.

  2. You know that solid marketing is required for growth.

  3. You now know that marketing should not be outsourced.

As the owner of your business, you are solely held responsible for its success.

Pay the tax now or pay it later + lots of interest.

Mindset #2: Difficult is good

The harder something is, the bigger the prize behind it.

Is your market super competitive?

Great. It’s competitive because there’s money. Money people should be spending at your clinic

Is it difficult to get Facebook ads to work in your area?

Good. That means it’s hard for everyone else (many of whom have already given up). Once you figure it out, you’ll have less people to compete with.

Do the leads suck?

Good. Every difficult lead is a chance to refine your sales process. Your sales process should be optimized for extremely difficult to sell leads, not lay down sales.

The above quote may be corny but it’s true.

Expect the leads to be terrible. Use every difficulty as an opportunity to get better. This is how you become unstoppable in your market.

Mindset #3: Selling is good

The mainstream “sales is bad” narrative is total B.S.

Avoiding sales hurts your business AND hurts your clients.

You must adopt a positive mindset around sales to succeed with this program.

Watch the video below in full to see how: