Booster Shot Overview


The Booster Shot campaign is the fastest way to generate consultations and sales.

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Booster Shot campaigns can also be massively profitable.

We have case studies ranging from clients making $5000 all the up to $80,000+ from one Booster Shot.

The best part is, you don’t have to spend any money on ads as all appointments are generated through your existing customer database.

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How The Booster Shot Works

There are people in your database who are ready to buy right now, but either:

  • Haven’t been in for a long time/have forgotten about you

  • Aren’t aware of your latest procedures

  • Are interested in coming but need a little “push” to get them to act

The goal is to get these people into your office for a consultation so you can learn about their problems and present a solution.

The Booster Shot works as follows:

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Who Can You Send Booster Shots To?

There are 3 main audiences you can include in Booster Shot campaigns:

1. Your Entire Database

This is best for when you have an offer that is applicable everyone on your list. Ie: you have a new machine and want to introduce it to your entire client base.

2. Your Recycle List

Your Recycle List is a column in your sales pipeline where leads go when they have “gone cold” and stopped responding.

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Just because these leads stopped responding doesn’t mean they are lost forever.

People get busy and situations change. Using the Booster Shot, we can re-market to them with new offers.

This is how you “squeeze the juice” out of your marketing spend to maximize ROI.

NOTE: We include your recycle list when we send a Booster Shot to your entire database.

3. A Segmented List

Some offers you only want to send to a select group of people.

For example, you may have a segment of your audience who is not actively coming in for injectables.

Using the Booster Shot campaign, you can send these people an offer for Botox.

Another example: you send a membership welcome offer to people who are not actively enrolled in your monthly membership program.

Ask our Marketing Coaches how you can send a Booster Shot to a segmented list.

How Often Can You Run A Booster Shot Campaign?

We recommend running a Booster Shot campaign every 30-60 days. A great strategy is to launch a Booster Shot whenever you launch a META campaign.

How To Launch A Booster Shot Campaign

Visit our Booster Shot Launch Guide in our Help Center for step-by-step instructions to launch a Booster Shot.

Next up...

META Ads Overview