Program Introduction


Welcome To Forever Booked!

Forever Booked is a complete marketing operating system tailored-built for med spas.

Unlike a traditional marketing agency, Forever Booked empowers med spas to take marketing in-house so they can get better results at half the cost.

A Little Bit About Us

Forever Booked is a family-run business that was founded in 2017 by Dr. Peter Ursel and his 2 sons, Jordan & Graydon.

Dr. Peter Ursel is the owner of Kawartha Skin Care which he has operated since 2004 with his wife Angie.

Over the past 6 years, Jordan, Graydon, & Peter have been able to perfect the ultimate patient acquisition system for med spas.

This Is a TEAM-FIRST Program

Working in a med spa is a team sport!

This is why we’ve designed our program to be implemented as a team.

We provide everything you need to help you grow together.

All you need to do is implement the program exactly how we prescribe.

Let’s get you started. 👊

Strategy Before Tactics

Clinics who succeed with our program take the time to understand strategy, before implementing tactics.

If you don’t understand WHY our program works, you will never know how to make it work.

For this reason, please go through this entire strategy module and do not skip!

The Clinic Growth Flywheel

Growing your clinic doesn’t have to be difficult...

Or complicated.

All you need to do is focus on what actually matters:

  1. Generating Leads

  2. Booking Appointments

  3. Closing Consults

You should then reinvest your client results and profits into creating case studies & improving your service.

An improved service combined with case studies (before-and-after photos, testimonials, reviews) makes it easier to book even more appointments.

In business this is a called a “flywheel”. It’s where the output of a system feeds back into the input, leading to acceleration of growth.

The world’s most successful companies are built on flywheels. The image below is a diagram of's growth flywheel.

Get Your Flywheel Spinning!

Forever Booked helps you achieve unstoppable momentum in your practice by creating creating your own “Clinic Growth Flywheel”.

We then introduce strategies to get your flywheel spinning as fast as possible:

Notion Image

8-Week Implementation Timeline

We don’t rely on luck to create results. Over the next 8 weeks you’ll be following the proven step-by-step process below:

After the 8 weeks, you’ll have the option to advance to our monthly program so you can continue your growth.

Why You Can’t Outsource This To An Agency

Marketing is overwhelming.

This is why clinics try to get it off their plate by outsourcing.

The problem is, this often creates more work for the clinic owner, not less.

We made a video that talks about this here (not mandatory to watch.)

Great marketing is at the core of any successful business.

It’s just as important and your service delivery.

For this reason it should not be outsourced (especially if you’re in the earlier stages.)

How This Program Helps You:

This program gives you the best of both worlds.

We help you to take marketing into your own hands while shaving off 90% of the time requirements.

This will allow you to:

  1. Save money. Our program is $997/m while agencies charge $2K-$3K/m +

  2. Get better results. Since you’ll have more control over your campaigns.

  3. Save Time: Yes, in many cases you’ll save more time with our program compared to using an agency.

Next up...

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